- 18 or older: No
- Tenure required: None
Award Amount:
Up to $2,000 for transportation and lodging expenses.
Need for an employee, employee’s spouse and/or employee’s dependent children to travel: (1) to care for an immediate or extended family member in an emergency medical situation (2) to make final visit to a terminally ill immediate or extended family member or (3) to attend funeral for or to escort a critically ill immediate or extended family member to a remote medical facility or hospice.
“Immediate family member” is defined as an employee’s parent, sibling, child, including those in a “step” relationship; and spouse.
“Extended family member” is defined as an employee’s grandparent, mother/father-in-law, or brother/sister-in-law, including those in a “step” relationship.
“Dependent” is defined as the employee’s child (by birth, marriage, or foster care), or other relatives materially supported by the employee.
Required Documentation
A statement from the attending physician or hospice facility regarding terminal status, need for remote facility or need for care including duration; death certificate and/or Obituary for funeral. Estimated distance in miles (if traveling by car) and itinerary of trip; receipt or confirmation including estimated cost (if traveling by airplane, bus, or train), and/or lodging receipts or confirmation including estimated cost.